- Leadership - ability to get things done through others.
- Team Building - helping a group of individuals to work interdependently with each other.
- Motivation - creating an environment that meets project objectives while offering maximum satisfaction to What every group member value most.
- Communication - identify various communication channels, what information should be provided to whom, when and how frequent.
- Influencing - a strategy of sharing power and getting others to cooperate towards common goals
- Decision Making - using the four basic decision styles (Command, Consultation, Consensus, Coin Flip) and considering the four major factors affecting any decision style (time constraints, trust, quality, acceptance), decisions are made either by the PM himself or by involving key project team members subject to some agreed upon decision making process.
- Political and Cultural Awareness - creating an environment of mutual trust and win-win atmosphere that would transcend geography, ethnic heritage, and disparate languages.
- Negotiation - a strategy of conferring with parties of shared or opposed interests with a view to compromise or reach an agreement.