Sunday, November 17, 2013

Have “Appear Offline” Option in Office Communicator 2007 Status Menu


That “Appear Offline” menu option is _not_ there by default installation of Office Communicator 2007 _but_ you can have it by going through these steps:

1. Click Windows’ Start menu and type regedit in the run command box.


2. In the Registry Editor window, go to Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Communicator


3. Right click in the right panel and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.


4. Key in “EnableAppearOffline” under name and press Enter key.


5. Double click the EnableAppearOffline row entry and update it’s value to 1.


6. Exit Office Communicator 2007 and launch it again to see the Appear Offline menu option among the available Status options.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What is the Serial Number of your computer?

Here’s how you can obtain it:

  1. fire up the command prompt
  2. tyep in “wmic bios get serialnumber” without the quotes :)


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Changing Delivery Address for your Bank’s Statement of Account

At least for Bank of the Philippine Islands, they required me a copy of any Billing Statement that is currently being delivered to me in the new address.

It’s quite logical. BPI wants to ensure the new delivery address can receive the SOAs they’ll be issuing me.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Request for Withdrawal of Funds

After hitting the profit objectives in stock market trading, it is now time to put this into reality, i.e., translate the figures seen at COL Financial website to actual money at my bank account.

COL Financial made is quite easy:

  1. Download the Withdrawal Fund form by navigating Home > Forms menu.
  2. Provide the required information in the form. Affix your signature.
  3. Scan and email to COL Financial.

Since this is my first time, I even called the Customer Service to confirm receipt of email but in the normal days you just have to send the request before 11AM and you’ll be able to pick up the check in the afternoon.

There is an option allowing COL Financial to make the deposit to your BPI, Metrobank or BDO account. However, I find my first time so special that I want a check as proof. Smile It’s just me!